Partly cloudy with a slight chance of thunderstorms overnight. Low 82F. Winds S at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 30%..
Partly cloudy with a slight chance of thunderstorms overnight. Low 82F. Winds S at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 30%.
The SleekWrapper i65 flow wrapper is ideal for fresh, soft or sticky products, multipacks and other products that need to be carried instead of pushed.
The SleekWrapper i65 flow wrapper is ideal for fresh, soft or sticky products, multipacks and other products that need to be carried instead of pushed.
LAS VEGAS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Jun 21, 2022--
The ValTara SleekWrapper i65 sets the bar when it comes to flow wrapping hard-to-handle products such as soft baked goods, tortillas, fresh produce, meats and multi-pack trays.
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The SleekWrapper i65 flow wrapper is ideal for fresh, soft or sticky products, multipacks and other products that need to be carried instead of pushed. (Photo: Business Wire)
The Sleek i65 feeds the film from below so that delicate and hard-to-wrap products are securely carried on top of the packaging, essentially pulling them through the wrapping process. By carrying the product through instead of pushing it, the integrity and the aesthetics of the product are maintained.
Built with reliability and serviceability in mind, this affordable, easy-to-use flow wrapper features integrated infeed and exit conveyors, stainless steel frame and discharge chute, easily accessible film carriage and large color touchscreen.
When speaking of about their newly integrated flow wrapper, production and operations manager Jason Stovra of Spring Meadows Natural Pet Food stated that “everything really came together well with this project: a high-quality product in high-quality packaging produced on a high-quality machine.” Stovra went on to say that “the machine has run like clockwork, running 50 packs per minute, or roughly 10 pounds of product, producing perfect hermetically sealed packages to keep the product nice and fresh.”
From entry-level machines to integrated high-speed systems, ValTara offers a complete line of easily customized flow wrapping machines for every industry.
See video of these machines in action at
For product inquiries, visit
Paxiom Groupis the national sales, system integration and service provider for the state-of-the-art packaging machine technology manufactured by WeighPack, ValTara and EndFlex. From weighing, filling, bagging and wrapping to cartoning, tray forming, case packing and palletizing, Paxiom has delivered over 7,000 packaging solutions to over 30 countries. Customers can see these solutions in person by visiting an Xperience Center in Las Vegas, Miami, Milwaukee, Montreal, Toronto or Schio, Italy.
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David Morgan, Director of Marketing,, 702-450-0808 x625
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